This Agency’s Anti-Vaccine Message Is a Public Health Plea in Disguise

BooneOakley posed as a fake funeral home to draw attention to Covid-19 death rates
On Sunday, North Carolina-based agency BooneOakley offered an off-beat message to tailgating football fans at the Saints vs. Panthers game in downtown Charlotte, N.C.: don’t get vaccinated.

The agency posed as a fake business—Wilmore Funeral Home—to shock residents with a sobering reminder about the dangers of exposure. Since the campaign launched, the vaccination page for a walk-in clinic in Charlotte has seen a 500% increase in traffic.

The ad redirects to, a simplistic site that presents visitors with two options: “Get vaccinated,” with a hyperlink to the clinics site, or “We’ll see you soon.” As of Sept. 22, the funeral site has generated nearly 150,000 page views.

“It got attention because people were out tailgating, and we want people in Charlotte to get vaccinated,” Mary Gross, associate creative director at BooneOakley, said. “One more vaccine could keep one child or immunocompromised person from being exposed.”


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